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Chess online – can you make money from it?

Do you like playing chess online? Are you also considering the possibility to make fast money by playing chess online? Until recently this wasn’t much possible, but now it has turned into reality and the place where this happens is the website playe4.com. How is it possible to play chess online and make money? In a nutshell, it’s like playing poker in a casino, an internet casino. You sign into your account and deposit a certain sum of money. You receive some really good starting bonuses which makes you more solvent.

After you feed your account with money, you just choose a table and an opponent and you start playing. The winners takes all, while his opponent loses his whole bet. The website always wins by keeping a percent of the bet. This sounds frightening but in fact it’s not because the percent is quite small and the players don’t even notice it. However, there are tens of thousands of games every day, so the amount of money this website profits is quite big. But everyone must win something, right?!

Of course, there is a catch and that is if there is a draw each player takes the money back but the website which gives the opportunity to play chess online still keeps a commission. So here you will enjoy some quite bloody and productive games, just no one likes to lose here.

What else do you have to know if you decide to play chess online at playe4.com? When you choose a table to play, the next thing you have to do is to arrange the conditions of the game with your opponent – for example, time for finishing the game and the bet you are playing for. There are players who try to cheat, so be cautious and you will have no problems.

Well, that’s it. Have a pleasant and successful game!

{ 3 comments… add one }
  • sudhansu July 25, 2013, 10:23 am

    i like chess games playing

  • atyaalla August 23, 2013, 4:09 pm


  • ARINDAM DAS August 25, 2013, 3:46 pm

    want 2 play and earn money

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